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Cookie Counter
Set the cookie and note that this sample sets the PATH option of the cookie always to "/":
Click here to activate the counter!
Secure Cookie Tests
These two tests use secure marked cookies and will only be transmitted if the communications channel is a secure one.
Currently this means that secure cookies will only be sent to HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) servers.
Very Long Cookie and Cookie Counter without the PATH option
The following sample reproduces a problem at
Netscape, where the server does NOT set the path option of cookies and SilkPerformer
compared also the "filename/object" part of the URL rather than the path only.
Note that this sample does NOT set the PATH option of the cookie, thus the browser extract
the path out of the URL. Note that a call to /testsite/cookie_verylong.asp does not allow
the browser to send the cookie also to /cookie_verylong.asp:
note that the active server pages set the PATH option of the cookie always to
when the server doesnt provide the path option then make sure that SilkPerformer
extracts the path without query string and filename.
Cookie with optional properties
The following sample can be used to reproduce a problem at Security First - they used an additional "space" before the slash:
path=" /".
Delete Cookie Test
Use to check if cookies are successfully deleted in replay log
Expiration date of Cookies
The following sample can be used to test the expiration date of cookies.
Cookie path
The following sample sets a cookiepath to step1. So it shall be sended to all
subdirectories and files of step1 especially step2.
General Cookie Sample
These are the possible parameters of a cookie following the specification from Netscape.
RFC2109 Cookie Sample
These are the possible parameters of a cookie following the RFC 2109 specification.
JavaScript Cookie Sample
These are the possible parameters of a cookie following the specification from Netscape.
You can use the Date Converter to generate various dates
Date converter: set the expiration field in the cookie sample left.
Check cookies here: /testsite/
Secure(https) check: /testsite/
Or check cookies here: /testsite/testsite/
2nd secure(https) check: /testsite/testsite/
Server Deletes JavaScript Cookie
This sample derives from support case #371.
SilkPerformer's problem is that the scripted
In short: a cookie is set using JavaScript, which is then deleted by the Server's
Set-Cookie header using an expired Expiration date.
WebCookieSet("ClientSideCookie=1; path=/; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1998 12:00:00 GMT ...
has the expiration date is in the past and therefor never set during replay.
Multiple Cookies Set
How many cookies do you want to set in one server's response?