Identifying Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks with text and pictures as context

<a href="data2html.asp?name1=Elvis&name2= Créspo">Elvis<imgsrc= "box5.gif">Créspo </a>
<a href="data2html.asp> Elvis<img src="box6.gif">Presly </a>

No 'alt' attribute defined within the 'img' tags.



Result should look like: Take the text as identification, ignore the picture

since Build 619 ok


Hyperlinks with text and pictures that define an 'alt' attribute

<a href="data2html.asp?name1=Elvis&name2=Crucho">Elvis<img src="box4.gif" alt= "Pintae">Crucho </a>
<a href="data2html.asp"> Elvis <img src="box6.gif alt= "The King" > Presly </a>



Elvis The King Presly

Results should look like:

  1. WebPageLink("Elvis - Pintae - Crucho", "") for the first link
  2. WebPageLink("Elvis - The King - Presly", "") for the second link


since Build 651 ok

More than one picture as content

<a href="data2html.asp?name1=Ocho&name2=Car"><img src="box6.gif" alt="box6"><img src="box5.gif" alt= "box5"></a>





WebPageLink("box5", ""); // link: 5

since Build 619 ok

No identifying attributes

<a href="data2html.asp?some=how"><img src="box5.gif"></a>


The identifier 'box5' still exists in the script and so the ordinal number is added to the function.

WebPageLink("box5", "PageTimer13", 2); // link: 6

since Build 619 ok

Recorder problems

<a href="data2html.asp">Mont Blanc</a>
<a href="data2html.asp">Highest Mountain</a>

Mont Blanc

Highest Mountain

Recorder problem:

  1. We cannot yet record which hyperlink was clicked when they've got the same 'href' attribute. Therefore when we click eg. Mont Blanc we will get a result like WebPageLink("ElvisPresly","") because this is the first link 'href' attribute 'data2html.asp' in this document.

As there already exists exactly the same links in the document the older ones will be taken for the replay. The label of the link is in this case irrelevant.

updated: marko /24/10/00