Common Web Tests

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icon last updated on 4/1/2014 7:03:59 AM

URL Encoding

The URL query string, the name and the value of the following field consist of the same characters.
Following characters should NOT appear encoded over the wire: "-","_", "."

Imortant: some of these characters can trigger some unexpected behaviour when being used in the querystring. For example # is used for bookmarks, everything after it is ignored.

Submit FORM using the GET method to test URL enconding the same way as POST before.

Check this link:

A link containing spaces:
data2html.asp?a link containing spaces
Something special (note the space between [ ]):
data2html.asp?%?[ ]{}|\&=@:^~`"$-_.+!*'(),<>;/#

URL Handling

This link uses two question marks.

A URL query string with invalid hex encoding must also be kept in the URL.

Binary data in URLs must not be converted to FORMS by the recorder. The following URL contains  0x02, 0x01, 0x00.

A relative URL with absolute URLs included in the query string. The URL in the HttpRequestHeaderFromClient log should be the same as in HttpRequestHeaderToServer log.

(this one does not work) data2html.asp?,LANGNAME=German_(Germany),DEVICEMODE=HTMLGPH,SRCT=10,CARDTYP=001,oatmeal=

(next try) data2html.asp?1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890

URLs with multiple '=' must result in a correct form (caused problems in previous versions, fixed since 2.6).

No secure URL with a :/ in the querystring can be handled by record/replay!
Detected in Build618.
The secure request cannot be recorded/replayed.

Common Forms

Submit a form using the GET method to data2html.asp?Intermediate

Submit a form using the POST method to data2html.asp?Intermediate

Submit a form using the GET method to data2html.asp

Submit a form using the POST method to data2html.asp

The next problem is likely due to the use of "?" as a delimiter in the url string. This is a form post without input fields:

   <form action="data2html.asp?_SessionId_=000?_SessionType_=WEB?_User_=user1?_Password_=user1?_ContextId_=2000? HTTP/1.0" method="POST">
     <input type="submit">

This results in following bdl(detected in SP3.5.1, build 658):

   WebFormPostEx("http://your_host_here/data2html.asp?_SessionId_=000", TESTSITE_DATA2HTML_ASP001);
     " HTTP/1.0" := "WEB?_User_=user1?_Password_=user1?_ContextId_=2000? HTTP/1.0";

Various Form Submissions

A form POST with multiple '=' must result in a correct BDL form.

A form POST with hex encoded binary data must be converted into WebUrlPostBin.


POST data to server with URL params.

POST data to server with URL params and non-standard encoding.

Big GET (>4kB).

Note: During replay you will get following error: "WebForm commands: too many/long URL search parameters!"

Note: IE5.5 is not able to send that long GET requests - the limit is at about 2k bytes.
Just cut the lines out of the text area 'till the request is sent.

POST with Content-Length: 0.

POST with Content-Length: 0 but with an querystring in the url

Submit buttons of the next four forms have values with special characters.


Click here for a form sample containing an <INPUT> tag with a SRC attribute before TYPE=IMAGE

Follow this link to access a page containing a form producing a BIG POST (> 160K).

Click here for a XMLHttpRequest POST with 0 content-length.

Various Link Samples

<a href=" data2html.asp">space before link (relative URL)</a>

space before the link (relative URL)

<a href="data2html.asp ">space after the link (relative URL)</a>

space after the link (relative URL)

<a href=" data2html.asp ">space before and after the link (relative URL)</a>

space before and after the link (relative URL)

<a href="">space before the link (absolute URL)</a>

space before the link (absolute URL)

<a href=" ">space after the link (absolute URL)</a>

space after the link (absolute URL)

<a href=" ">space before and after the link (absolute URL)</a>

space before and after the link (absolute URL)

Form Element Variations

Go to the sample page.



On click

On page load

unnamed popup test

Multiple Confirms

Web Dialog

Show Webpage Dialog